Our Services
In-home assessments and meetings
Functional Behavior Assessment to determine the causes of behaviors
Behavior Intervention Plans: strategies for addressing behaviors of concern
Individual Education Plans: assistance in creating appropriate measurable goals
Facilitation of long-term transition planning meetings
Liaison between school, home, and after-care programs
Social skills training
Selecting appropriate evidence based programs for a particular student or classroom
Creating an environment that meets the sensory needs of your child
Community resources
Starting and facilitating social skill groups
Organizational supports
Workshops and Presentations
The following workshops can be done for school staff, parents, and others. They can be individualized to your time constraints and additional needs.
Assistive Technology for students with ASD
Autism Spectrum Disorder Overview
Calming and Relaxation Strategies for the Home and Classroom
Community Based Instruction
Data Collection
Evidence-Based Educational Practices for ASD
Facilitating Independence at Home
Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans
Inclusion for Students with ASD
Overview of Applied Behavior Analysis
Paraprofessional Training
Parenting Roadmap: Behavior Strategies at Home
Person-Centered Transition Planning
Puberty, Sexuality, and ASD
Sensitivity Training: Understanding Peers with Exceptionalities
Sensory Solutions
Super Start: Strategies for a Successful School Year
Teaching Play and Leisure Skills to students with ASD
Using Social Stories and Picture Stories
Writing SMART IEPs